A Research Companion to Principles and Standards for School Mathematics

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This book was written to support with research the ideas in NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.



  1. Introduction by Jeremy Kilpatrick
  2. What Research Says About the NCTM Standards by James Hiebert

Section 1: Research on Principles and Standards

  1. Making Mathematics Reasonable in School by Deborah Ball and Hyman Bass
  2. Teaching, Teachers' Knowledge, and Their Professional Development by Denise Mewborn
  3. Classroom and Large-Scale Assessment by Linda Wilson and Patricia Kenney
  4. Developing Mathematical Power in Whole Number Operations by Karen Fuson
  5. Fractions and Multiplicative Reasoning by Patrick Thompson and Luis Saldanha
  6. Facts and Algorithms as Products of Students' Own Mathematical Activity by Keono Gravemeijer and Frans van Galen
  7. On Appreciating the Cognitive Complexity of School Algebra: Research on Algebra Learning and Directions of Curricular Change by Daniel Chazan and Michal Yerushalmy
  8. Stasis and Change: Integrating Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Throughout the K-12 Curriculum by Erick Smith
  9. Teaching and Learning Geometry by Douglas Clements
  10. Developing Understanding of Measurement by Richard Lehrer
  11. Reasoning About Data by Clifford Konold and Traci Higgins
  12. Research on Students' Understandings of Probability by Michael Shaughnessy
  13. Reasoning and Proof by Erna Yackel and Gila Hanna
  14. Communication and Language by Magdalene Lampert and Paul Cobb
  15. Representation in School Mathematics: Learning to Graph and Graphing to Learn by Stephen Monk
  16. Representation in School Mathematics: Children's Representations of Problems by Stephen Smith
  17. Representation in School Mathematics: A Unifying Research Perspective by Gerald Goldin

Section 2: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning

  1. Implications of Cognitive Science Research for Mathematics Education by Robert Siegler
  2. Situative Research Relevant to Standards for School Mathematics by James Greeno
  3. A Sociocultural Approach to Mathematics Reform: Speaking, Inscribing, and Doing Mathematics Within Communities of Practice by Ellice Forman
  4. Balancing the Unbalanceable: The NCTM Standards in Light of Theories of Learning Mathematics by Anna Sfard

Section 3: The Creation of Principles and Standards for School Mathematics

  1. Using Research in Policy Development: The Case of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Principles and Standards for School Mathematics by Joan Ferrini-Mundy and W. Gary Martin


Kilpatrick, J., Martin, W. G., & Schifter, D. (Eds.). (2003). A research companion to Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (p. 413). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
address = {Reston, VA},
editor = {Kilpatrick, Jeremy and Martin, W. Gary and Schifter, Deborah},
isbn = {978-0-87353-537-3},
pages = {413},
publisher = {National Council of Teachers of Mathematics},
title = {{A research companion to Principles and Standards for School Mathematics}},
year = {2003}