Common Core State Standards Initiative

Other Resources #

Since the release of the Common Core State Standards in 2010, numerous groups, including the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center), and the lead writers of the standards, have developed resources and supporting materials to assist states, districts, schools, and educators with implementing the Common Core. The resources listed below are designed to help improve understanding of the standards and their underlying premises.

To learn more about state-specific implementation efforts, please visit the “Standards in Your State” page to explore the information states are providing about their work.

In addition to the resources they have developed jointly, CCSSO and the NGA Center separately support chiefs of state education agencies and governors, respectively. More information about their efforts is available at their websites:

General Information #

English Language Arts and Literacy #

Mathematics #

  • Key Shifts in Mathematics: These shifts help explain how the Common Core differs from previous standards.
  • The Publishers’ Criteria for the Common Core for Mathematics for Grades K-8 and High School provides criteria for selecting, developing, or revising instructional materials, textbooks, and other resources
  • 30 second video explaining the Math Standards ( English) | ( en Español)
